AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Our program is lead based on such aims and objectives. This is to ensure the progressive development between health of individual and the community: We aimed to fulfil values through laying foundation of wellbeing; this will allow the students to exceed their expectations. To understand the importance of health, hygiene and safety. Offering health programs and learning experience that challenge assumption and provide medical skills for self-reliance. Encourage and improve student’s knowledge and experience and having more practical aspects. To eradicate the disease through health drive programmers To provide a healthful environment for physical and mental growth To develop each individual to his/her potential through offering a wide range of high quality experience. To allow the continuity of students learning and grant them possibility to meet their fulfilments. To create opportunities to inspire students with a desire for self-improvement and achievement. To develop the attitudes and skills that support a healthy and fulfil life together with confident for a life time of learning. Enhance health awareness and skill building among of hospital through healthy environment, disease prevention and health promotion